Thursday, November 13, 2014

What's Your Number?

Hello everyone! I wanted to share a video that gives some insight as to how the internet and wireless devices will be in the near future. There's not much I can say that the video doesn’t present well. Let me know what you think! And leave a comment on how many wireless devices you have in your own household. After watching the video, I counted how many wireless devices we have connected to our network at home. To my surprise it was 18 devices! I don’t know if that makes our household disgustingly nerdy or if that’s the direction our society is headed towards.

Check out the video! (Only three minutes long, no worries!)

The Future of Wireless Devices

Have you ever lost your keys in the couch and haven’t been able to find them? What if your keys had the capability to message your phone and tell you where you left them? Or, have you ever run out of battery on your smartphone and had to send an important message but just couldn’t? Well engineers at the University of Washington have created a new wireless communication system that allows devices to interact with each other without relying on batteries! 

All technical terms aside (because I have no idea what they mean), the devices use ambient backscatter to interact with devices without the use of batteries. Meaning, they exchange information by reflecting or absorbing pre-existing radio signals.

What is really interesting is the future applications of this technology. The technology could be implanted into the structure of bridges or even homes to monitor their structural integrity. Since the devices have no need for batteries there is no need to maintain the devices. Therefore, if there was a hairline crack in the concrete of a bridge, the device could communication with another device letting someone know of the fault in the bridge. Also, these devices could be implanted into our keys, giving the keys they technology to communicate with our cell phones or other devices so we don’t painstakingly lose them all the time. Lets just say I wouldn't mind this device to be in my coffee cup so I will stop misplacing it around my house in the mornings! 

If you would like to know more about the technical description of the device or see more possible future implications, please refer to this link!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone! My name is Austin. The intentions of my blog are to discuss technology and how it is changing and advancing communication. Not only in our personal life but also within our jobs. 

Technology is outdated every two years. In the past ten years we have seen many amazing forms of communication come from technology. From iPhones to social media platforms, we have become more and more connected within our everyday lives. Social media has allowed people to keep in touch with friends and family that live far away. Telecommunication has given individuals the capability to conduct business from across the world without stepping foot outside their office. If it wasn’t for technology none of these would be possible. 

Here is an interesting article over How Technology Has Changed Workplace Communication

In this blog I would like discuss new upcoming forms of communication that are made possible through the progression of technology. Hope you all enjoy my blog and keep checking back to see new exciting advancements in communication.

Also for further reading, here is another great blog discussing communication and technology. 

=> Communication & Technology Blog